Finding Me (Pack Bardot Book 2) Read online

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  “So, Kitten...have you had enough, yet? Just say the words and this will all be over. You can have a nice shower. Some food. A warm bed.” His eyes flash with heat as he slowly scans my body. I shiver in disgust. Like hell.

  “Eat shit, shrimp dick,” I snarl at him. That manic glint in his eyes seems to amplify. Way to go Linden, pissing off the unstable psychopath is exactly the right way to go. With zero preamble, Christian lifts a hose I hadn’t even realized he was holding and flips it on. Ice cold water rains over me, the pressure so forceful it feels like tiny shards of glass slicing my skin open. My hand itches to reach behind me for the broken piece I’m concealing so that I can throw it at his repulsive face. But a ninja I am not. The likelihood I’d actually hit my target is minimal. I can barely hold my breath a second longer when he finally turns the water off. I’m gasping for air, my body shaking violently from the cold settling into my bones. When I finally find the strength to lift my head, that malicious smile is carved across his face. I shiver more from that than the freezing water drenching me.

  “How about now?” He cocks his head to the side. I laugh, rather maniacally. The sick fuck actually thinks I’d give in so easily.

  “You’re gonna have to try harder than that,” I shake my head condescendingly. Without a doubt, I’m playing with fire. Hell, I’m dancing in it. Christian seems to take delight in my words, like they’ve somehow permitted him to level up his evilness. Minnie’s cage is then flung open. He pulls her out, moving behind her and wrapping a hand around her throat. Her back is flush with Christian’s chest, her eyes zeroing in on mine as we face one another. I hurl myself forward, my teeth grinding together painfully.

  “Let her go, you fucking coward,” I seethe at him.

  “So that’s still a no?” Christian raises an eyebrow, his question dangling in the air. My eyes flash between his and Minnie’s. Resignation washes over her angelic face, a content smile pulling at her lips. Oh God, this is it. This is the moment I have to give in. The one I’ll likely never come back from.

  “It’s okay, Linden.” Minnie’s voice sounds so loud in the deafening quiet. My lips part, the words on the tip of my tongue, just begging to be set free. She shakes her head at me, her eyes telling me not to do it. Try as I might, the only thing that comes out is a ragged gasp. I can’t make the words form, no matter how hard I try. Tears pool in my eyes, but she just smiles.

  “Remember...whatever’s necessary.”

  Christian grins wickedly. His hands move so fast I barely track them. The seconds that follow feel like the longest of my life, while also flying by too quick for me to truly process and react. The snap of bone as Christian twists Minnie’s neck is a sound that will haunt me for the rest of my life, along with the thud her body makes as it falls to the floor. For a moment, I’m rooted in place, shock holding me hostage. I can’t hear anything outside of the buzzing in my ears. I’m not sure how long I stay that way, but the shrill scream echoing throughout the cavernous house of horrors finally pushes through the numbness. It takes a few more seconds for me to realize that it’s me screaming.

  He killed her. He fucking killed her.

  “You bastard!” I scream at Christian, my hands wrapped tightly around the flimsy chain link separating us, wishing more than anything it was his neck they were wrapped around. I need to antagonize him, push him enough to get him close. I know that’s what has to be done, but it doesn’t terrify me any less. So, I throw caution to the wind. Shit, more like I hurtle that bitch into outer space.

  “You want me, Christian? Well, you better be prepared to come take me, because that’s the only way I’ll ever be with you. By force. You’re a worthless piece of shit who can’t even find a girl who willingly wants you. Instead, you resort to kidnapping and torture. You’ll never have me, not by choice.” I spit in his face to really seal the deal. He roars, ripping the door to my prison open and stalking towards me, reacting just like I imagined he would. Small dick complex really does some damage to the ego. Before I can second guess what I’m about to do, I yank the jagged piece of glass free, wincing from the sting I feel as it slices my skin. Shutting off my brain to what comes next, I bring my hand up just as he reaches for me, pure malevolence seeping out of him. Everything around me quiets and my focus narrows. With every bit of strength I have left, I shove the shard into the side of his throat.

  Blood sprays everything, me included. My hand trembles as I watch the surprise of my attack widen Christian’s eyes. He clearly didn’t think I’d ever be any real threat to him. I stumble back as his mouth fills with red. He sways, then sinks to the floor. He manages to tug the glass halfway out, but it only causes his blood to flood out faster. My stomach flips as I take in the barbaric scene, my brain refusing to accept that all of this bloodshed was at my hand. Move Linden, run. I watch, horrified, as the last garbled breath leaves Christian. Somehow, my brain recognized that I needed to see him die with my own two eyes. To know, with absolute certainty, that he will never again get to threaten or hurt me. My feet finally move, clambering for purchase as I slip on the massive pool of blood blocking my exit. Oh my god, there’s so much. How does one body hold all of it? I finally resort to crawling the rest of the way when my legs refuse to work, only stopping when I reach Minnie’s prone body.

  Her eyes stare vacantly at the ceiling. Those lifeless blue orbs darkening my soul into something unrecognizable. Five minutes ago, she was breathing. And now she’s dead because I couldn’t open my fucking mouth and say the words I needed to. A sob escapes me, my hand reaching up shakily to close her eyes. I press my lips to her forehead and say the only thing I can.

  “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  I force myself to stand, hating that I have to leave her body behind, and then, I run.

  Chapter 6


  As per usual these days, I’m slumped on the couch, a half-drunk glass of whiskey in my hand. I’m not proud that I’ve resorted to alcohol, but I needed something to numb the pain. Living in this in-between place of guilt and rage is ripping me apart. Just as I lift the tumbler to drain the rest, the door flies open, Lex barreling in like Chevy’s hot on her heels, trying to get her in a dress again. The glass falls to the ground, all but forgotten as I jump up. My heart starts to race, not sure which way this is about to go. Lex is either going to deal the final blow to my heart or give it the relief the overworked organ is desperately in need of. God, please let it be the latter.

  “I found her.”

  My entire body sags to the floor. Three fucking words have never sounded so sweet. Tears flood my eyes and pool over. I don’t even attempt to hold them in. I could care less that I’m showing some ill perceived sign of weakness. I’m coming for you, baby. A strangled sound rips out of me, something between relief and fear. I still don’t know what state she’s in or if she’s even okay. A location doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but it’s a hell of a start. I must have drawn the rest of the house to the living room because Ma, Grace, Chev and even Pop come scurrying in to see what’s going on. Pop’s still hobbling, but I doubt there’s much that could keep the man down for too long. Grace blanches, taking in my current position and obviously assuming the worst.

  “Lex found her,” I quickly state, my voice wavering. An audible exhale can be heard throughout the room. I brace my hands on the floor, taking a quick, fortifying breath before getting back to my feet. It’s go time, and my focus needs to be absolute.

  “What did you learn?” I question Lex evenly, belying the control I actually feel.

  “Two wolves were patrolling the east border, half wasted and lip’s loose. Going on about the half-wolf the Alpha’s son had kidnapped. Said that she was being held with the rest of the prisoners and females used for breeding.” I can feel the blood drain from my face. They’re all gonna die. “From what I gather, the building is on the west end based on what they were saying about needing to make it to the opposite side of their pack land to take over guard duty. I imagine they�
�ll be moving slow due to the alcohol so we should move out. Now.” I don’t need to be told twice, quickly jumping into the acting Alpha role I’ve been doing a half-ass job at.

  “Lex, gather everyone that agreed to help. Tell them it’s time and then meet me behind the Camden’s house. That’ll be quickest route to reach the west side of Pack Ames’ territory.” With a quick nod, Lex is gone. I turn to face my family. The same joy and fear I feel is looking right back at me in each of their faces. She’s okay. She’s gotta be.

  “I’m gonna bring Linny home. And then I’m going to dismantle Pack Ames if it’s the last thing I do. They won’t ever bring this kind of pain to us or anyone else ever again.” I put as much force behind my words as possible, needing them to know that I will make this right. I failed my girl once, but it won’t happen twice. Pop gives me a nod, pride shining in his eyes.

  “Go get our girl and show no mercy to any Pack Ames scum you come across.” With one final, loaded look, Pop heads back down the hall. Ma moves forward and wraps her arms around me.

  “You have become every bit the man I knew you’d be. No matter what happens, none of this was ever your fault, Daxton. Be safe, my love.” She follows Pop out, but her words unnerve me. It absolutely was my fault and I’m not sure I’ll ever see it any other way. Grace and Chevy linger, the two never far from one another since the night everything happened. I’m glad they’ve had each other to lean on. Unlike me, who’s pulled away from everyone, not feeling worthy of the comfort anyone sought to give me in the first place. No, instead I’ve become an island. Desolate and all alone.

  “I won’t return without her.” I meet both of their gazes, knowing that I’ll find Linny alive and well, or I’ll follow her to the afterlife. Our expiration date is nowhere near due.

  “Just don’t do anything stupid, Dax. I’m far too pretty to have to try and save your ass. We both know I’d fuck a rescue mission right up.” Chev’s smile wavers, but I know he’s doing his best to stay strong. I shake my head, the faintest hint of a smile quirking my lip. With one last look at Grace, I try to tell her everything I can’t say with words.

  I’m sorry.

  I’ll bring her back to you.

  Please forgive me.

  I watch her swallow, her spine straightening. I nod once, and she returns it. We both know that whatever comes next will irrevocably change us, one way or another. I make the ten-minute walk to the Camden’s in five. By the time I arrive, everyone’s already there. I take in the group of men and women who have volunteered to risk their lives for my mate. A girl most of them haven’t even gotten the opportunity to speak with yet. This is pack. This is loyalty. Before I can let my emotions get the best of me, I clear my throat and begin to speak.

  “I’ll never be able to thank you enough for being here today. I know most of you haven’t had the chance to get to know Linny, but she’s a bright light in this dark world. She’s endured far too much to only be eighteen, but I can promise you that the person you’re risking your life for is more than worthy of it. I don’t know what’s waiting for us once we cross over onto Packs Ames’ land, but show no mercy. I doubt they did with my mate.” Golden eyes flash back at me, snarls ripping through the air as our baser sides start to slip to the forefront. With a nod, I call on my wolf. The change takes seconds, my clothes shredding as my body morphs and lands on all fours. Despite what made up stories circulate about our kind, we don’t just strip down to our birthday suits and parade around in front of each other. It’s not a damn nudist colony. More human than wolf, it’s natural to maintain some aspect of modesty outside of anyone but your mate. We certainly don’t go gallivanting through the woods naked. Don’t get me wrong, it inevitably happens that we’ll have to shift back at an unfortunate moment in time at some point, but no one stares and invades anyone else’s privacy.

  A quick glance tells me that most everyone has shifted, but a few have chosen to remain human, Lex being one of them. Precious minutes have passed, so I refocus and put my nose to the ground, allowing my wolf to take the lead. Everything is brighter, louder and stronger scented in this form. I can feel the other pack members fall into step behind me. As one, we move through the thick forest that separates the two pack lands. The steady thump of my paws meeting the ground is all I focus on, not allowing my thoughts to wander.

  Twenty minutes in, at a full run, my wolf tugs at me, veering us to the right. I give no protest, trusting him completely. My mind races to try and gage his thoughts, not able to communicate with him in a traditional aspect. It’s more like I get flashes of images, brief snippets I have to try and make sense of. Before I can pilfer through them, I’m hit with an undeniable scent.


  My mate.


  My pace quickens, desperate to reach her. Like we rehearsed it, the moment we cross onto Pack Ames’ land, our group splinters. Each of us takes a different direction through the thick copse of trees shielding any building we might otherwise be able to see. Every step forward her scent grows stronger, but the trail is erratic. It overlaps, zigzagging every which way, making it impossible to follow the correct one with certainty. My wolf whines, feeling so close, yet so far away. A scream pierces my ears, the sound amplified from my heightened senses. We don’t even wince, though.


  Head thrown back, an anguished howl rips out of me.

  Chapter 7


  Pushing through that damn door is triggering. The distinct screech it makes will always stay with me. Probably featuring in my nightmares. It’s so heavy I can barely get it to move, much less lift it up enough to reduce the noise it makes so I don’t draw any attention. I have no clue what’s on the other side, it could be an army for all I know. I only push until there’s enough room for me to wiggle through. As I contort my body, I’m taken back to just a few weeks ago when I was escaping through a window instead. The similarities are eerie. Finally free, I wince from the bright sun and give my eyes a few seconds to adjust. I bring my hand up, trying to shield them and make out my surroundings. Blinking a few times, I scan the area quickly. There’s no one in sight. Just woods as far as the eye can see. Propelling myself into action, I demand that my weak body cooperate. We didn’t make it this far to get taken again. Every step feels sluggish and no matter how long I keep moving, I can’t tell if I’m making any progress or not. The trees all look the same, blurring together as I continue pushing forward. At a snail’s pace, but forward no less.

  Just keep moving.

  I’m getting so fucking tired of running for my life through the woods. My body just isn’t cut out for this intense amount of cardio. Branches snap beneath my bare feet, digging into the tender flesh. Where the hell did my shoes even go? I assume they took them when I was drugged. Anything to make escaping more difficult, I suppose. Pity for them, I couldn’t give a shit about the pain zapping through my feet. They’d have to fall off altogether before I’d stop running, and even then, I’d just resort to crawling. My thoughts are spiraling again, so that’s probably why I don’t see them until it’s too late. My momentum causes me to stumble as I try to stop before I can be heard. Two men stand about twenty feet in front of me, their eyes glazed over. Please be drugged up, hallucinating like a motherfucker. Yet again, no such luck.

  “Who the hell are you?” The rounder one moves towards me, only slightly off balance. Fuck me. Even inebriated, I don’t stand a chance at outrunning them in my current, pathetic state. When this is over, I need to invest in a gym membership.

  “You can’t see me,” I wave my hand in front of my face. If John Cena can do it, then so can I damnit. They blink at me, slowly taking in the blood covering me from head to toe. I’m sure I rival Carrie with this look. With a sniff, short and pudgy’s eyes darken.

  “Bitch,” he growls, right as he lunges for me, and I scream. Probably not my finest moment. I’ve well and truly fucked myself by alerting every Pack Ames wolf in the vicinity of my whereabouts. A resp
onding howl greets me, the sound forlorn and heartbreaking. Dax. That’s my wolf, but I’m almost scared to believe it, knowing it could somehow be a trick. Sidestepping the intoxicated man, I barely slip away before his hand can wrap around my arm. I don’t look back, I just run, uncertain if I’m headed towards safety or straight to the pits of Hell. I can hear his footsteps, gaining on me with every second that passes. I can almost feel the tips of his fingers grazing my back as he reaches for me, when out of nowhere, a blur rams into my would-be attacker, saving me at the last second. Spinning wildly, trying to figure out what new threat I have to face, my jaw drops when I take in the sight before me. A girl, no bigger than me, wraps her arm around the asshole’s meaty neck and swings herself around his back. Clinging to him like a leech, I watch in shock as she brings her other hand up and snaps his neck. I flinch, the sound way too familiar, and way too soon.

  The other guy Pudgy Pants left behind finally stumbles through the trees, seeming way more out of it than his now dead friend was. The girl, aka - the obvious love child of an American Ninja Warrior and a mafia lord - doesn’t even give the poor guy a chance to properly take in the situation before she slams her fist into his face. Quickly unsheathing a knife from her thigh, she wastes no time ending the man’s life. I look up, diverting my attention from any more bloodshed. My stomach’s hanging on by a thread as it is. The girl turns, probably finding my slack jaw comical. Oh, sweet lord. Please be friend, not foe. Otherwise, I’m up shit creek, with not a paddle in sight.

  “Linden?” She smiles, trying to appear non-threatening, but I just saw her kill two men, wolves, like it was a walk in the park.

  “No habla ingles.” I shrug. Not today Satan, you can suck a whole herd of donkey dongs. She chuckles, her head shaking.